Literature Review
DESCRIPTION: This essay helped me bring together many sources and research and combining it to be one big topic of my interest. Through this essay, I also have learned that stereotyping is a big issue in our life. Whether that is our academic, our jobs, and everywhere we are basically at or going to. Hence, it needs to stop, and maybe with many research one day we will accep each others differences.
Boubacar Diallo
Stigma And Its Limitation
Since before the day we were giving birth we were already labeled, either a boy or a girl. Later, and after, we receive another title based on numbers, our weight, and age. We then go to school, to then be given another label, our race. Since then, we are always being labeled, either having to bubble a category of race or being labeled based on our grades it is like it will never end. Hence did the label that we are giving fashioned us in how we should act and how mentally affected us is what a lot of researchers wanted to find answers to. Hence, through various source of researches, we can definitely see that stereotypes have fashioned our brain and that many of us react in a way because of our label.
Research 1: Racial profiling influences people to react in fear.
This study has proved that by giving diverse race students an assessment and changing their variable, which was telling them that they will base their intelligence with the results. Many students who were African-American did poorly while many of White-Americans did very well. When both parties were asked why the majority of the African Americans said they were constantly nervous and the words that the researchers have said stuck to them like glue and they didn’t want to bring shame to their people. After both parties were giving another test which they were told that it won’t rate their intelligence, both white and black students did fairly well. After, the students were surveyed and asked what was the reason behind doing fairly bad on one of the exams and doing fairly well on the other. Most students responded that because of the fear of knowing the stigma that is giving to them. Which being that, they are not smart enough, they end
up doing fairly bad and because this test did not require to rate their intelligence they did fairly good. The researchers then came to the conclusion that knowing where society has placed you can hugely put fear in your mind. Overall the research was very well done. The abstract told the reader what was being experimented and somehow, in the end, it made the reader sympathize with the participants.
Research 2: Stereotypes affects the way we view ourselves. Stereotyping can really be in the way of many individuals, and sometimes even affect the way we view things. Research in a Predominately White School has proved that giving the circumstance of knowing what an individual stigma is, one can likely behave opposite their stigma, in proving so scientists in the Uniersity of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA, experimented with students in biracial conditions. They indicated that stereotypes effects performance, for example when the certain race is favorable than the other of another race. People start believing that they are not good enough and slow their performance. This is why we see that the statistic numbers for color people applying to ivy league colleges are very less than non-colored people because it is believed that they are less likely to get accepted to Ivy league colleges then colored people. Hence, most deserving and most intelligent people are afraid of applying to Ivy colleges. So when we think of the emotions that the brain deals with, we think of many things that we struggle with. That is why, the author states that the fear of applying to ivy league colleges is accounted with the aftermath of stereotyping and how it affects individuals even in the academic area. Though the research was well organized, the author still believes that the resulting gain from the experiment doesn’t really determine if any colored people are affected with stereotyping because some colored people still do apply as it is statistically proven. Hence, stating that all colored people are affected by stereotyping because they don’t apply to Ivy colleges is not really proven to be because of stereotypes, because it could be for many reasons, some cannot afford,
and others just feel like it is not fit for them. For this case, the author should at least survey 100 high school students and see if they are afraid of attending Ivy league colleges because of the fear of rejection due to their race or it is because of other reasons.
Research 3: Stereotype creates misjudgment of individuals
societies. The psychologist Inzlicht and Mckay both conducted research to find out. Which in result research 1 showed a correlation around stereotype awareness and life-regulation. As this proved that the much aware that African Americans were to their stereotyped the less self-control they revealed. Experiments 2 and 3 offered cause and effect proof for the self-depleting characteristics for stigma through removing interesting new stigma: stereotyped respondents who are students of color and young women did show damaged identity control to two quite different fields which are cognitive and physiological identity regulation, even before the stigma is detected. Findings 2 and 3 presented cause and effect proof for both the self-depleting characteristics of prejudice by resetting experimental prejudice: if the stigma has been activated, stereotyped individuals who are black students and females did show unwell self-control in two quite fields of study of perceptual and personal conscience-regulation. This research, in the end, was evident to prove that stereotyping can really affect an individual to a point where they had to control and limit themselves because of knowing their stigma.
Statistically demonstrating how in 2014, 32 million people were reported to have been unfairly misjudged because of the fear that they would do something based on their race. Also that the constitutional safeguards against racial profiling exist, and that the Supreme court allows the use of traffic violation to stop other people. In another way, it means that the police could stop someone just by their physical appearance and most people are stopped for the wrong reason. By trying to solve this case the author conducted a survey in which he asked 100 participants mixed race if they ever been asked to pull over by cops and how they reacted. The results showed that majority of the participants who were black said they did get pull over and they had to comply with the officer because the wrong move, like trying to reach a comb or reaching for an id could actually mean they are taking out a weapon to the officer. While the majority of the participants who were white stated that they acted normally. This in conclusion that the author states, because of the labels giving by society many react in fear and some are forced to act against what they actually are as an individual rather a label.
Research 4: Being the Target of Prejudice Affects Self-Control Stereotype reduces the potential groups of people to regulate their behavior. Since learning to cope with stigma needs personality-regulation and life-regulation is indeed a tool of reduced capacity, they anticipated that people relating to stereotyped groups will be less able to restrict their own behavior once they became mindful of their stigmatizing status or joined intimidating
After all these researches and million others, we can see that stereotype does have an effect on many individuals, and especially people with color. Yet, why does it even exist, why do we care about the difference, we’re all humans. Humans to human we are equal. What physical appearance has to do with what’s beneath us, when underneath we are all the same. Hopefully, in future research, we get to see the origin of stereotypes, and a way to ignore and accept our differences as something that will unify us all.
Annotated Bibliography
description: Stigma is affecting all of us, and that’s a fact. We see it all the time. Police pulling over a person because of their color, not sitting on the train seat because the other person is not of our color. Constantly we are affected by the invented system called stereotyping. Writing this annotated bibliography help me come across with many research that evaluates how stereotypes have fashioned the way we think and do stuff without being conscious of it.
Boubacar Diallo
Stigma And Its Limitation
Since before the day we were giving birth we were already labeled, either a boy or a girl. Later, and after, we receive another title based on numbers, our weight, and age. We then go to school, to then be given another label, our race. Since then, we are always being labeled, either having to bubble a category of race or being labeled based on our grades it is like it will never end. Hence is the label that we are giving somehow fashioned us in how we should act or mentally affected us. Through the various source of research on how stereotypes have fashioned our brain, we can see that many of us react in a way that is because of our label.
Casad, Bettina J., and William J. Bryant. “Addressing Stereotype Threat Is Critical to Diversity and Inclusion in Organizational Psychology.” Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016): 8. PMC. Web. 19 Sept. 2018.
In this article, the effect of stereotyping in our daily life is emphasized as psychological damage. Stating that Stereotyping is the result of many psychological damages such as a cascade of events that include attentional, physiological, cognitive effect, and motivational mechanism because they believe that when a person becomes knowledgeable about their status they get to think that is relevant to everywhere they go. Leading to the increase of attention on status then over quality. They also indicate that stereotypes effects performance,
They also indicate that stereotypes effects performance, for example when the certain race is favorable than the other of another race. People start believing that they are not good enough and slow their performance. This is why we see that the statistic numbers for color people applying to ivy league colleges are very less than noncolored people because it is believed that they are less likely to get accepted to ivy league college then colored people. Hence, most deserving and most intelligent people are afraid of applying to Ivy colleges. So when we think of the emotions that the brain deals with, we think of many things that we struggle with. That is how?\, the author states that the fear of applying to ivy league colleges is accounted with the aftermath of stereotyping and how it affects individuals even in the academic area. Though the research was well organized, the author still believes that the resulting gain from the experiment doesn’t really determine if any colored people are affected with stereotyping because some colored people still do apply as it is statistically proven. Hence, stating that all colored people are affected by stereotyping because they don’t apply to Ivy colleges is not really proven to be because of stereotypes, because it could be for many reasons, some cannot afford, and others just feel like it is not fit for them. For this case, the author should at least survey 100 high school students and see if they are afraid of attending Ivy league colleges because of the fear of rejection due to their race or it is because of other reasons.
This article demonstrates how the stereotype of race influences people to react in fear. First, by giving an assessment to African Americans and to white Americans and telling them that it will rate their intelligence, the students that were white, in result did very well while the students that were African Americans did poorly. When they were giving another test which they were told that it won’t rate their intelligence both white and black students did fairly well. After, the students were surveyed and asked what was the reason behind doing fairly bad on one of the exams and doing fairly well on the other. Most students responded that because of the fear of knowing the stigma that is giving to them. Which being that, they are not smart enough, they end up doing fairly bad and because the other test did not require to rate their intelligence they did fairly good. The researchers then came to the conclusion that knowing where society has placed you can hugely put fear in your mind. Overall the research was very well done. The abstract told the reader what was being experimented and somehow, in the end, it made the reader sympathize with the participants.
Statistically demonstrating how in 2014, 32 million people were reported to have been unfairly misjudged because of the fear that they would do something based on their race. Also that the constitutional safeguards against racial profiling exist, and that the Supreme court allows the use of traffic violation to stop other people. In another way, it means that the police could stop someone just by their physical appearance and most people are stopped for the wrong reason. By trying to solve this case the author conducted a survey in which he asked 100 participants mixed race if they ever been asked to pull over by cops and how they reacted. The results showed that majority of the participants who were black said they did get pull over and they had to comply with the officer because the wrong move, like trying to reach a comb or reaching for an id could actually mean they are taking out a weapon to the officer. While the majority of the participants who were white stated that they acted normally. This in conclusion that the author states, because of the labels giving by society many react in fear and some are forced to act against what they actually are as an individual rather a label.
Inzlicht, M., McKay, L., & Aronson, J. (2006). Stigma as Ego Depletion: How Being the Target of Prejudice Affects Self-Control. Psychological Science, 17(3), 262–269.
This study evaluated whether stereotype reduces the potential groups of people to regulate their behavior. Since learning to cope with stigma needs personality-regulation and life-regulation is indeed a tool of reduced capacity, they anticipated that people relating to stereotyped groups will be less able to restrict their own behavior once they became mindful of their stigmatizing status or joined intimidating societies. The psychologist Inzlicht and Mckay both conducted research to find out. Which in result research 1 showed a correlation around stereotype awareness and life-regulation. As this proved that the much aware that
African Americans were to their stereotyped the less self-control they revealed. Experiments 2 and 3 offered cause and effect proof for the self-depleting characteristics for stigma through removing interesting new stigma: stereotyped respondents who are students of color and young women did show damaged identity control to two quite different fields which are cognitive and physiological identity regulation, even before the stigma is detected. Findings 2 and 3 presented cause and effect proof for both the self-depleting characteristics of prejudice by resetting experimental prejudice: if the stigma has been activated, stereotyped individuals who are black students and females did show unwell self-control in two quite fields of study of perceptual and personal conscience-regulation. This research, in the end, was evident to prove that stereotyping can really affect an individual to a point where they had to control and limit themselves because of knowing their stigma.
Butler-Barnes, Sheretta T., et al. “Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Program: Examining Black Girls’ Experiences at a Predominately White School.” The Urban Review, vol. 51, no. 2, 2019, p. 149+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 8 May 2019.
General Audience paper
Description: Having anxiety and struggling with every day, I decided for this research I would write about how to overcome anxiety and somehow with researching, I have come to an understanding that we can overcome our anxieties by shifting what our mind is thinking.
Boubacar Diallo
Writing for science
Instructor: Brown
Say goodbye to anxiety
You are sitting and suddenly your hands start to sweat, your heart starts to race, and then you wonder and wonder but you are already lost inside in your own brain. Running through a maze that you feel like you can never get out. Hence you try to stay calm, but couldn’t. You tried to breathe in and out and for an instance, your worry went away so you smiled but that was just for a moment because it came back again and once again your still looking for a way out. Perhaps you went to a counselor and for that moment you also thought you got it. Yet it only eases your stress in that counseling room but once you leave, your worry jumps back in. That’s anxiety and that is how it feels maybe you know it and maybe you don’t. You, Nevertheless, you shouldn’t give up because there is a thing, now Scientist from tranquility labs have proven that a lot of people who suffer from anxiety is because of one part of the brain. Therefore, you ask how? Hence, here’s how, According to Al Wahabi, Generalized anxiety disorder, arises from excessive activation of the brain mechanism underlying fear and the fight-or-flight response. For example, when an individual is faced with a dangerous situation, two parts of the brain circuits become active and deliver sensory data about the situation to various parts of the brain. Telling the person they are in danger or something. Like when a person
when an individual is faced with a dangerous situation, two parts of the brain circuits become active and deliver sensory data about the situation to various parts of the brain. Telling the person they are in danger or something. Like when a person sees a fire or smells a fire. The most important part of the brain the amygdala. A deeper structure that is the center to emotional processing. The amygdala functions to monitors how the body reacts to the environment calculate the significance of emotional events and put in order responses that an individual may or may not be conscious of.
The amygdala also works with another part of the brain structures to keep emotional memories in storage, including memories of frightening events. In people with anxiety disorders, however, this can become a problem. The amygdala may be so sensitive that it overreacts to situations that aren’t really threatening, inadvertently triggering the brain circuits that provoke an emergency stress response says Alhambra. Over time, anxiety becomes attached to situations, thoughts, and memories unrelated to genuine sources of danger. In this sense, the brain creates its own fears. By knowing this scientist where curious if they could change the fears created by the amygdala or halt the fears. Hence, to see it is accurate they experimented 20 people with the phobia of elevators. First, they told 10 to go in the elevator singing the song “apples, mangoes, and bananas”. At first, they hesitated, anxiety and panic started to kick in. But the experimenters told them to sing as loud as they could and with that, they were able to go in and come out. While the other ten hesitated and couldn’t go in. This proved to the scientist that because the ten others were so focused on singing “apples, mangoes, and bananas.” They were able to shift their amygdala that is creating fear into positive thinking reducing their anxiety, which allowed them to face their fear.
Therefore, whenever you are lost in your fears or thoughts, remember that it is all in your head, and remember that you can alter it and you can change it. The fact is it is your brain, and you are remote to your brain, so change the channel., In that case, next time, when you are afraid,
feel free to sing “Apples, mangoes, and bananas.” and know that you are not plagiarizing, it is a treatment.
New York times summary
Description: Writing this essay, made me realize the importance of income, and how it is affecting us in everything we do. Getting aid for college, and Medicaid all depends on income, and if you have a low income you can really go through a hard time being treated for your illness.
Boubacar Diallo
Writing for science
Instructor: Brown
Date: 2/14/19
The effect of Income
We all know how income affects us, it affects us in so many ways that our dream is to become rich, for the fact that money is based on everything. An article published by The New York Times called “The Prescription Drugs That Rich People Buy” by Kevin Quealy and Margot Sanger-Katz published on Feb. 7, 2019. Emphasizes more on the ideology of money. Just like money can buy a huge car, it can buy medication too. The article explains that people who suffer from mental illness, that includes anxiety, depression, bipolar, or other mental illnesses which are not paid by insurance suffer because they can’t afford the medication that can help them with it while the rich could. That is why we see that in data collected by scientist the rich have more access to medication that allows them to live longer while the poor does not.
Emphasizing more on medication, the article includes data that shows that when it comes to botox, tooth whitening, and antidepressants the rich can afford while the poor can’t. Even though the poor needs it. The writer statistically provides evidence that the rich live longer due to the fact they can afford all the goods that could make them live longer. While the poor have little to no access to anything good. The author is trying to target people who have low income, and people with high income, for, in that case, they could know that the system of income is not
fair. The author made it easier for the audience to understand statically and verbally by utilizing passive tone he was able to make sure the audience take in clearly the information. Showing evidence that shows the unfairness of the so-called system income. Which made sure the audience get an understanding of how unfair it is to be a lower class and how American society treats the lower class.
This article proved that having a low income with an illness you are more likely to not able to afford the treatment because they cost so much. Hence hopefully in the future, we see this change in the price for medication because in the end just like the article have stated: “we are all humans” and yes indeed we are.
Scholarly Analysis
Description: When I was writing this essay, I didn’t know how to write an analysis for a scientific article. Yet, reading the book for writing for science it helped me a lot in writing this analysis and I hope you like it.
Boubacar Diallo
Writing for science
Scholarly Analysis
The effect of migration
Migrating can be fun, but adapting is what makes migrating really stressful. According to this paper “Coping, acculturation, and psychological adaptation among migrants: a theoretical and empirical review and synthesis of the literature.” It attempts to study current psychological theories and studies of adaptation, cultural adaptation, and the cause of mental health in trying to adopt immigrants. Thus, this review contributes to the existing literature through initial efforts to summarize relevant concepts and empirical research on increasingly important responses and cultural adaptation. This review identifies some important implications; these insights and observations have direct or indirect implications for future cultural adaptation studies of immigrants and minority members by using the IMRAD format.
In the introduction, the author explains how migration can cause stress. For Example, first, she states that when someone moves from one place it is already hard for them to say goodbye to what they use to. Being their friends, family, and neighbors, because the reason is that their brain is already used to these images of these people and places. Hence when the brain is already attached to places and is constantly confronted by it, it is hard to welcome other things. When that is missing, people can start to have
saddened mood because the brain is used to those things. That is why for migrating people,in their first move their brain starts to create fears of moving, fear of loneliness and to start new because of how their brain system is used to the comfort of their neighbors, friends, and family. This causes them to stress over their absence and is afraid to meet new people.
The method, they surveyed 100 migrants who come from any part of the world. They asked them questions. Questions that rated their stress level when they were migrating, and how hard it was for them to adapt. All the participants that were surveyed their stress level were exactly the same. They all scored the score that determined a depressive state. Therefore, looking back at how the brain functions when it has a constant memory of something, they related it that to show that people who migrate suffer from depression. When they move place to place they get depressed because their brain is trying to accept the area and the people living near there. Therefore this causes stress and they become less motivated to try new things.
Overall, this article does contain the format of IMRAD in a way it first explained what the research is about, to what method they use to figure out if migrating can cause stress and also indicating the result which proves that migrating does cause stress because migrants are trying to adapt to the area and people. In the end, the reader is able to understand and take notes of the research into account and into understanding the aftermath of migrating.